Saturday 28 September 2019

Revision: Editing

Now its time to revise some editing techniques.

Cutting: the work of selecting and joining together shots to create a finished film.

Resultado de imagen de cutting video

Shot/Reverse shot: is a staple of editing in dialogue sequences. Conventionally, it utilizes the 180 degree rule, the eye line match, and rule of change among others.

Resultado de imagen de shot reverse shot

Crosscutting: cutting back and forth quickly between two or more lines of action, indecating they are happening simultaneously.

Resultado de imagen de shot reverse shot

Fade in/Fade out: a filmmaking and broadcasting technique whereby an image is made to dissapear gradually.

Resultado de imagen de fade in fade out

Superimposition: when you put especially a picture, words, etc, on top of something else, especially another picture, words, etc... so that what is in the lower position can still be seen, heard, etc...

Resultado de imagen de superimposition film

Slow motion: when film or television pictures are shown in slow motion, they are shown much more slowly than normal.

Over-The-Shoulder-shot: used when shooting conversation between two people, speaker´s full face is shown while camera is aimed over the shoulder of the listener.

Resultado de imagen de over the shoulder

Cutaway: is the interruption of a continuosuly filmed action by inserting a view of something else. It is usually, although not always, followed by a cut back to the first shot, when the cutaway avoids a jump cut.

Resultado de imagen de cutaway movie

Eyeline match: a cut obeying the axis of action principle, in which the fist shot shows a person off in one direction and the second shows a nearby space containing what he or she sees. If the person looks left, the following shot should imply that the looker is offscreen right.

Resultado de imagen de eye line match

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