Thursday 28 November 2019

Revision: Camerawork (shots,angles,movement)

Today Im going to show some things that I learnt last year.

o Camera shots o

Extreme wide shot: the view is so far from the subject tha s/he isn´t even visible. the point of this shot is to show the subject´s surroundings.

Resultado de imagen de extreme wide shot

Very wide shot: shows the subject from top to bottom; for a person, this would be head to toes, though not necessarily filling the frame.

Resultado de imagen de veru wide shot

Wide shot: a video or film recording made with the camera positioned to observe the most action in the performance.

Resultado de imagen de wide shot

Mid shot: a shot taken at a medium distance.

Resultado de imagen de mid shot

Medium close up: half way between a close up and a mid shot.

Resultado de imagen de medium close up shot

Close up: a certain feature or part of the subject takes upe the whole frame.

Resultado de imagen de close up shot

Extreme close up: shows extreme details.

Resultado de imagen de extreme close up shot example

Two-shot: a comfortable shot of two persons, framed similarly to a mid shot.

Resultado de imagen de two shots

Pont-of-view-shot: shows what a character or group of characters is seeing.

Resultado de imagen de point of view shot

Nobody shot: usually refers to shot of the interviewer listening and reacting to the subject, although noddies can be used in dram ando other situations.

Resultado de imagen de nobody shot

Weather shot: the subject is the weather, usually the sky. Can be used for other purposes.

Resultado de imagen de weather shot

o Camera angles o

High angles: shows the subject from above, the camera is angled down  towards the subject.

Resultado de imagen de high angle

Low angles: shows the subject from below, giving them the  impression  of being more powerful or dominant.

Resultado de imagen de low angle

Canted angles: is when the camera is tilted, usually to suggest imbalance, translation, or instability.

Resultado de imagen de canted angle

o Camera movements o

Pan: Horizontal movement, left to right.

Resultado de imagen de pan movement

Tilt: Vertical movement of the camera angle.

Resultado de imagen de tilt movement

Crane: Vertical movement of the camera with a crane.

Image result for crane movement

Steadicam: The camera is strapped  to camera operator´s body creates a gliding effect.

Resultado de imagen de steadicam

Hand-held: A shaky hanheld effect.

Resultado de imagen de hand held camera

Zoom: Technically this isn´t a camera move, but a change in the lens focal length with gives the ilusion of moving the camera coler or futher away.

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